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Off-Line Hot Spring Map

Heading out to explore the hard to reach Hot Springs and want a map that works when your not in a service area? Here is a copy of our map to do just that, along with a app suggestion that works for each platform 

For Android


if you dont have this app yet its a very simple to use and a very accurate map app. Lots of others will work offline but this one is our favourite. Locus is great for novices, but it also has a lot of power for advanced users. It’s very customisable and comes with a plethora of tools. Locus Map 4 is available for free download.


Click the picture to go to the playstore
  1. Download this File of the Locations

  2. Open Locus Maps.

  3. Go to Points.

  4. Press the “Plus” button.

  5. Select Import.

  6. Find the map file.

  7. Select a folder where you want to import the points to.

Manage points in Locus Map
Then you can continue to manage your imported points in Locus. Besides adding and deleting, you can also filter and hide/show the points. Which is useful if you have a map with a lot of points and it’s a huge mess if you have them shown all.

For example, you can only display points of a certain type (icon colors). For this reason, it is good to divide points into categories by color when creating a map. You have 5 function keys below the points list:

Create a new point.
Show / Hide – You can show or hide all or selected points.
Sort – You can sort points by name, creation date, edit date, or distance from you.
Filter – you can display only points of a specific color or title.
Tools – more operations with points like copying, exporting, deleting etc.


Click the picture to go to the AppStore


After getting the app this is the file you will need to import 🙂 

OsmAnd Maps Travel & Navigate 
Offline maps for travel

OsmAnd is the only app for iOS that can utilize 3rd party layers without a purchase/subscription from the app store.
The free version is restricted with limited downloads for other online map sources. OsmAnd+ unlocks unlimited maps, hillshades, slopes and more frequent updates for certain map features through OSMAnd Live.

Rough Directions for Iphone

  1. Download the app pictured above

  2. Download this Location File

  3. Go To your “Files” app and open the file you just downloaded 

  4. On the top right corner tap the up arrow and then select the “osmand” app





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