Where is deer River hot springs? This is 100% the location how you decide to get there is on you.
Deer River Hot Springs is the zenith of hot springs in Canada. A perfect temperature and so isolated that it’s almost hopeless to hike to. These springs are so remote that the guy who wrote the book on hot springs in Canada, “Glen,” Has never made it to Deer River Hot Springs himself. Being the hot spring with the largest total volume in all of Canada, you need to check it out. This thing is huge!
Every person with the ambition to do it should experience the adventure. They will detach feeling on top of the world. This is the most thorough information we could find (Using that term very loosely) about how to get there. Understandably it is highly recommended to take as many days, weeks, and months as you can to prepare for this one. Armed with maps, books, detailed descriptions, bear spray and bangers, lots of camera battery, and as many different wishy-washy directions as you can find, hold your breath and make the most educated lines of approach. Planning when you go is very important due to river levels, snowmelt, Weather, and anything else mother nature can toss at you.
It’s about a 13-16 km (depending on who I listened to) Hike 13km to the end of the conventional trail at the banks of the Deer River and 16km (following the river) up Deer River. but some people have stated they have taken a diagonal approach, meeting the Deer River closer to the springs. (we have seen traces of what looks like a trail on a diagonal line to the river). Another person suggested traversing up the valley just up from the liard hot springs (14km one way if this is true). however, at this point in time, we have no definitive answers other than following the rivers is a sure shot please comment with your results
When you get close, there will be a sheer wall of the 3-meter high white cliff, and on top of this, a plateau with undersized trees and an unexpected clearing. You have made it. The main pool, 10 meters across, a few meters deep, and the most stunning shade of turquoise blue.
The temperature of the main pond is 32c degrees. The ability to swim in a natural hot spring is exhilarating! This pool has water Boiling and bubbling up from the middle, with a very high, misleading amount of flow. The silt is fine, so fine that walking on the bottom stirs up a cloudy mess that took minutes to settle down.
The water runs from the main pool along with a series of streams and falls over three split waterfalls into the Deer River, which at this point is really more of a creek Than a river. This area is fragile. There are many sensitive organisms, plants, and animals, so you have to be alert and be extremely careful where you’re stepping.
The springs are known as ‘bear infested’ by some people. Keeping your spray close by is a firm suggestion. About 500 meters south of the big pond, there are more vents Hot water streams out of the base of the hill forming a river, the majority of the vents were within a degree or 2 of the main pool,